Why write?
I realized this is now 33 consecutive weeks that I have written a post on Medium. This experience over the past 60% of the year has been awesome. There are people who write every day and I applaud them more than myself, for sure. I suppose my purpose in mentioning this is to talk about the impact that I have found with writing.
Exploring ideas
One fun outlet of writing comes from the ability to explore ideas through a story. This can be the case in any story written. I tend to do it less so on Medium, although, I have written things in which I am exploring. I just finished a philosophy paper and it was that which reminded me of this fun. Having to write makes one concise about their ideas and really come to conclusions of thought. I have found the recent writing that I have done has helped me explore things I would not have otherwise.
Being more concise
Alluded above, but writing well means being more concise. Not to say I am a particularly strong writer, but I make an effort to be more concise. If I can describe something just as well in 100 words compared of 300, that is some demonstration of mastery towards a topic.
Starting conversations
I have made no effort to try and get my writing out to other people. That being said, there are things I will write about that I will want to discuss with others. It has sparked conversations from that view point and I know that there is a world that exists in which people also initiate a conversation due to a piece.
Better defining my thoughts
Any time spent sitting and thinking and decompressing is positive. It could come from going for a walk or personal journaling or even a meaningful conversation with someone that can push you. Writing is a great means for this goal. We have so much happen each day in life, and it is challenging to capture those experiences and learnings. Writing is a large step towards helping do so. It can help put ideas onto paper and work through them in a way that better informs what we take out of our past experiences and how we apply them moving forward. That might be the most valuable and my favorite part of writing up until this point in time.