Thoughts on Ready Player One
2 min readSep 17, 2018
Ready Player One was one of the most fun books I have read in a long time.
I wouldn’t consider myself a particularly big video game or science fiction nerd, but it made me want to be. The number of references and detail around old video games, superheroes and the likes was pretty astounding. Would be interested on someone’s take that had played many of those games mentioned in the book.
Should also watch the movie at some point.
Emerging thoughts
- It painted the picture of a bit of a scary future that could lay ahead, but the author Ernest Cline kept it pretty light and positive.
- Made me see the beauty in video games way more. So much creativity and thought goes into making and playing them — especially the more fiction-y ones give an awesome break away from reality and towards imagination land
- I’ve mostly been on a non-fiction kick of books over the past two years and whenever I read fiction like this, I remember the pure joy in reading. I was listening to it late at night on the New York Subway when I had no energy because it was able to still capture me even at that low of a point. Finding this type of excitement every time I read a book is the ideal
- There were some reminders in the book about how people in society will very often respond to incentives that lead them to act extremely unethically and also how movements/rebellions can get started
Thoughts on this review/the book in general? Comment or send me a note :)
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