Thoughts on In Cold Blood
Just finish the classic book “In Cold Blood.” It was a true story and well written.
I learned about psychopaths in a class I had this past semester, which gave me greater empathy for people who do really horrific things. The guys in the book aren’t necessarily considered psychopaths, but Truman Capote does a good job of describing their upbringings and how their past experiences led them to the terrible crime they committed. It definitely gives more empathy towards that kind of stuff.
I don’t know a lot about historical literature and stuff, but I also think this book started a genre of non-fiction novels. That’s a cool piece of history and makes it more significant and impressive on Capote’s end. He was basically writing about something in a way that had never been done before.
If looking for an exciting mystery/killing story, though, there have got to be books out there that take more twists and turns and keep you more on your feet.
Good read, though. Glad I did it, but probably would not recommend unless you’re into literature history and the significance of what this book did for future books.
Thoughts on this review/the book in general? Comment or send me a note :)
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