Thoughts on Fight Club
I had seen Fight Club the movie before, but I think I got a lot more out of the book.
Not sure if it’s because I’m older now or because there are subtle things that happen in the book that you don’t catch in the movie or because I knew what was coming while reading, which allowed me to focus on different things.
Regardless, though, it was a super fun read.
I realized I should probably stop saying I’d recommend or not recommend a book unless I feel super strongly about it because there are infinite books that exist that add value for people, but also that added value is different for everyone. Some people get a lot out of certain books, while others get nothing, totally based on context and preferences.
Either way, to talk briefly about what I got out of Fight Club:
If you haven’t read/watched and want to and don’t want any idea what’s coming then don’t read on. I’m not going to ruin anything big, but I’ll be mentioning certain parts.
The first thing is that the book sort of scared me about terrorism and violence. All of these regular people that are living below average lives start causing mayhem in the world, and it slightly surprises me that things like that haven’t happened on a macro scale. Especially, given the current state of our country. If I was unhappy with my life I think reading the book might make me want to be violent. Very scary thought.
And, today, it’s easier than ever to create this sort of organized violence and chaos. So it’s super scary in that regard.
Another part of me wanted to stop sleeping as much after reading the book. I think this semester at school, I’m going to make an effort to spend a few weeks where I don’t sleep very much to see how I am able to handle it. In Fight Club the main character has insomnia and there’s no way he functions at a normal level but I’d love to see what that looks like since I think there will will be times down the road when I don’t sleep as much and stuff.
Sort of interesting.
Those are the biggest two takeaways. Was also just fun to read. One of those books I didn’t want to put down.
Thoughts on this review/the book in general? Comment or send me a note :)
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