Thoughts on a Wrinkle in Time
I’ve started a new kick of trying to listen to more classic fiction and fantasy books.
Last year I made my way through the Harry Potter series again and I did the Lord of the Rings before that. As I’m writing this, I’m most of the way through the first Ender’s Game and am planning to continue through the series.
As I’m becoming an adult, I have found more and more value in different activities that help me feel like a kid. That child-like curiosity, creativity that nothing in the world is fixed, and the fun that comes from getting lost in fantasy are extremely worthwhile to me.
Listening vs. reading
I’ve gone back and forth many times about what types of books are good to listen to vs. read the hard copies of, and my current conclusion is that listening to fiction books is quite nice. It doesn’t require much thinking, but can rather be a more passive, fun activity.
Then, reading the book (or kindle) version of famous literature books as well as ones where I am learning something tangible (non fiction) allows me to more tangibly interact with the text.
A Wrinkle in Time
This was a fun book to listen to. It was cool listening to the preface where the author, an adult, basically said that she ran different versions of the book by her kids and they helped her refine the story, as they were the ones that could most closely empathize get lost in it.
The characters in the book invoked a sense of curiosity and child-like nature to living. They went through their own struggles and the way that Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin, the three children most featured, learned lessons throughout the book felt very authentic and natural. No shortcuts, and a bit painful along the way, but worthwhile in the end.
The story included elements of the universe and physics — the idea that there are other planets out there and it’s possible to travel back and forth between them — which brought out more imagination and thinking beyond just the earth.
The relationship between Meg and Charles (brother and sister) as well as both of them with their father was very familial and filled with love.
It’s a classic that was fittingly turned into a movie just last year (although I have not watched it and not sure I will). It was a fun, engaging listen that made me want to continue on, and glad to have done it.
Thoughts on this review/the book in general? Comment or send me a note :)
Full reading list here