Post day 2 in three-day fast
Objectively, it’s weird to think that I haven’t consumed any food/calories in about 54 hours.
Overall, today was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be.
This morning was sort of rough and I was light headed at first, which worried me a bit, but I drank a bunch of water and had some vitamin water zero that has vitamins and a little bit of electrolytes (but no calories or sugar!) and I think that was pretty helpful for me. Also had another 2 cups of black coffee.
I’d say today was also relatively high on the cognitive load scale. I had to put a decent amount of energy and concentration into a few of my classes, some homework, and an oral Spanish exam that I did.
Don’t have a ton more thoughts at this point, but have a few.
The fact that I have been moving around all day and not surrounded by food at any times except when I go into the dining hall or when other people are eating has made this much easier. I think being busy has taken my mind off of food a lot and made it easier for the time to pass.
Sleep is also quite helpful with fasting. I slept for about 2.5 hours during the day today which was awesome. Going into the fast I was pretty behind on sleep, so it’s tough to say where my tiredness is coming from (although it’s likely both sources).
It’s weird to say, but I’m tempted to claim that this isn’t really that bad. I would bet that most people who would hear that I haven’t consumed any food in 50+ hours would find that pretty absurd, but I’m totally hanging in.
I think tomorrow will be a telling day. I was reading today about how when people fast, their metabolism shifts. Don’t exactly understand the science behind it, but seems important. Not sure if my metabolism has made the shift, but if it has then I think I’ll be pretty high energy tomorrow morning. So how my last 10 hours go after waking up will provide some more conclusions and then I think I’ll learn the most from this experience after the fact with how my perceptions and eating habits change.