Post day 1 in 3 day fast
About midnight at the end of my first full day without eating. Been about 30 hours at this point.
Overall, today was really solid. Didn’t expect it to be terrible, as I’ve done this before for slightly less time. The one concession I made was that I ended up drinking caffeine, which I wasn’t planning to do originally. Had two cups of just black coffee today. Have too much to do that I felt like I needed to be able to use that, despite not wanting the stimulant.
Other than the coffee, though, all I had was lots of water. I wasn’t going crazy with the water but definitely made it a priority to stay hydrated.
I put in a pretty good amount of cognitive effort today, too, and it was fine. Did close to zero physical activity beyond walking to and from classes.
Given that I set expectations to not be eating, the hunger that I have been feeling hasn’t been as bad. Definitely had some urges to eat and the smell of food when I have been around it has been a bit tough, but wouldn’t say that it’s been terrible.
The biggest realization I made today was about the construction we have of food norms.
Even when I wasn’t feeling super hungry (which even now, I’m not), I have had this feeling that I should eat because I’m programmed to do so. Society says eat three meals a day, make sure you get enough nutrients, etc. And there’s good rationale behind that, but just because of that doesn’t mean we’re going to melt if we don’t do so.
I find myself often eating when I’m not hungry just because it’s lunch time. Sort of an empowering thing to realize.
I’m a bit nervous for the next two days and finding energy, but will see what happens.
Onward and upward ;)